Sunday 17 October 2010

Political Satire!

Good Morning my friends.

I would like to share with you some Politically Satirical art. David Cameron is a purple, tentacled monster. So I drew him rather spot-on.

I've submitted this image to several newspapers, including 2 local ones (Press & Journal, Evening Express).

God knows what they'll say, even a polite "Thanks but no thanks" would be good, at least they would have looked at it.

I 'PLAN' to do 2 or 3 of these a week, maybe even one, we'll see how it pans out, but I will upload them to here and hope that someone takes notice. =)

Political cartoons aren't as easy to do as some of the big artists let on, It's not just drawing a politician and having him say a joke about his current predicament, it has to have some sort of graphical representation of other recent predicaments that are somehow related. I think I managed to pull it off just in this one, we'll see how future cartoons go.

For more experienced Political satire from CANADA, have a mosey on over to Filibuster Cartoons and see how a pro does it. =)

Until then, CIAO.

"STOP EATING MY MONEY" - Nick Clegg (Apparently)

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